Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
DNB503 Industrial Design 5
Young professionals with families
Brisbane, Australia
Year 3, Semester 1, 2016
Installers, Manufacturers, Project and Production Managers, Structural Engineers
Design and Sales Consultant
This concept is also featured in Young Design Awards 2017 http://www.youngdesignawards.com.au/entry/incise/
Designing within the clients budget and within the design standards and limitations.
Creating technical drawings accurately for the parts of the structures to be manufactured.
Sometimes there were a few iterations to the drawings to make sure the parts fit together and are durable and meeting the design standards for shade sails and structures were a challenge.

The standard way of living is constantly changing especially around food. Many people, especially those who are always working are not able to sit down and eat a meal with their family regularly, as they do not have the time to prepare and cook a meal. Consequently, their hectic lifestyle leads them into buying food that is readily available outside the home and eat while going to work.
Our daily lives are becoming busy and many of us are not able to have the time to prepare a meal and sit down with their family to eat. Many younger generations do not have the capabilities of cooking food and heavily rely on convenient foods that are readily available nowadays and many rely on those outlets instead of cooking at home for their families. Our health is becoming increasingly important, due to the way we live & our busy lifestyle. Technology is evolving quickly and from the current trends, it is likely it will play a significant part of our life in the future associated with food.

Young professionals with a young family who likes to cook as a hobby or trying to commit to this task regularly. Many of these users are juggling between work and family.
The majority of young male and female professionals are in their thirties. The youngest in their late twenties and the oldest is over forty years. Most of them have at least two children who are in primary school. The majority of them both work away from home, although there is a small percentage that works from home and occasionally have to travel away to work.
The area that will be addressed is on preparing and cooking the meal. This area will be focused on this project because many of the users can cook, but there are a few that do not know how to cook and only know what to prepare something like toast or two-minute noodles. This was also evident through the cultural probes and sometimes cooking is not always involved in making a meal, especially for breakfast. Also in the younger generations, such as the user’s children may not be able to learn the basic skill of cooking, as their parents are always busy with other responsibilities.
There are currently lots of products in this area of cooking and preparing meals. Each product has a slight variation, function and different purposes, but are not all are useful. Many products are becoming smaller and slimmer in size, to make it easy to carry and usable. Many of these products have minimal maintenance such as washing & wiping to make them last long. A lot of products are becoming innovative & creative to the topic of cooking of integrating smart technology. This significantly helps a lot of users when it comes to using time efficiently, using notification systems to help with multi-tasking smoother.

Conducted primary research on the demographic
Then conducted secondary research, where I interviewed and got four families to document their lives around preparing, cooking and eating food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Created journey map to understand the common pain points and their positive and nagative experiences.
The aim is to help young professionals to use their time efficiently, educate about healthy eating and enhance the experience to encourage their children to help reduce the workload of their parents in the kitchen.
Incise uses waterjet to automatically cut ingredients to reduce stress and preparation time for busy families. The ingredients are placed inside in a bowl and the user sets up what food they are cutting, so the machine knows how much pressure it needs depending on the hardness, shape and size.

Incise is a product which is used to help reduce preparation time by using waterjet to cut vegetables and fruits in any shapes & sizes.

Time efficiency: Incise is aimed to reduce time when cutting ingredients, as this is a main pain point that users experience when preparing meals, especially dinner. Due to the limited time available, incise is able to wash and cut vegetables within seconds.
Technology: Waterjet technology helps to prevent bacteria and salmonella and does not change the original taste of the food. This technology also helps to cut the ingredients evenly and accurately quickly, so it can cook evenly swiftly and is simplified to suit a more compact size machine, installed into a kitchen bench.
Sustainability: 316 stainless steel material is used which is safe for the food, is durable, lasts long, has recyclable parts and is aesthetically pleasing which fits into the future trend style for future kitchen products and interiors.
Educational & Engagement: Educates and engages children to help their parents in the kitchen and learn basic cooking skills and learn how to eat healthy. This helps their parents to reduce stress and are not multi-tasking. Consequently, children helping their parents in the kitchen increases family time, as most families nowadays don’t always have enough time to spend with their children.

Sequence of the interfaces on the product and the functions it performs, as controlled by the user.

Incise is installed installed underneath the kitchen bench and is connected to the cold water line, which is connected to the sink.
