Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Future of Retail
Brisbane, Australia
Semester 1, Year 3, 2016
For one of the Interactive and Visual Design Subjects (Interface Design), we were briefed to design for the future of retail. This subject was an introduction to UI/UX design. Due to the time constraints, we had to design a micro UI solution. Hence, my design solution is ZORA.
Finding a gap in the market to create a effective solution for AR and retail shopping for the future.
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Changing shopping habits and emerging technologies are bringing new challenges to retailers. Customer experiences, needs and satisfaction of purchasing products is becoming important to marketers. Such as shopping trips, shopping baskets and decisions on buying products. Retail today is less about control of the shopping experience, because there is no longer a clearly defined shopping stage.
Utilising emerging technology, many products will be heavily influenced by technology and retailers will become more spacious. It is expected most physical goods will be delivered to homes within hours. Mobile payments are also increasing such as Paypal, EMV, NFC and QR codes, which will be greatly used in the future. By 2020, it is expected that sensory technology will be utilised to strengthen customer relationships and improve the customer experience, make users more aware of their emotions.
By 2026, it is expected that a seamless shopping experience across an increasing range of connected devices will be integrated into the shopping environment. This will translate into interactive, highly engaging online and real-world retail environments. In addition, a vital condition for success for retailers in 2026 will be the ability to keep track of users and measure attribution across a growing number of devices and touch points.
The future of retail will involve digital interfaces, virtual and augmented reality and online shopping experiences. Many technologies that are emerging technology that will integrate online shopping through social media for product reviews, instant feedback, access to price comparisons and the integration of smartphones with other retail technologies.
Internet of things (IOT) automation will be a huge contributor to driving new demand for connected devices in retail to engage consumers intimately. Zero UI will be associated with designing components for the emerging technologies. Zero UI will be utilised from touchscreens and interacting with devices around us in a natural way such as haptics, computer vision, voice control, and artificial intelligence.
The key trends that will play in retail are consumer- driven supply chains, retails will go from multichannel to omnichannel, which is fully integrating brand retailing. The retail landscape will change dramatically by 2020 with the globalisation of unfamiliar markets, consumer- driven transparency and consumer-centric retailing. Smartphone and devices will become prominent in our daily lives and will be efficient and functional to use. The retail industry will utilise emerging technology to make product merchandising interactive for the consumer, communicate directly to smart devices, sale promotions will be triggered by the user’s presence and social media will be a big enabler for user engagement for online promotion.
Drive- through and pick- up locations will become more prominent, as some users will move away from large stock-up shopping trips to be more time- efficient and needs-based trips. Product showrooms will allow customers to interact and try out products, as well as interact with sales associates and other customers, physically and remotely. Consumers will be able to do their food shopping by scanning each product’s using Quick Response code into their smartphones and assemble their virtual shopping cart.
Digital technology will replace lifeless storefront windows with interactive screens that change according to weather & time of day and can generate recommendations or taking orders when the store is closed. It will create engaging games that attract customers, encourage them to stay longer and reward them for co-creating innovative ideas. Retailers will focus on transforming mobile apps into a personal concierge of sorts when shoppers enter a store. In-store mapping and smart navigation will become highly accurate, due to real-time data generated from beacons. By tracking the whereabouts of shoppers, managers can better design layouts to streamline the flow.
USER 1: TOM 25 years old
- Unemployed
- Studies engineering full time, final year
- Lives in Brisbane, Southside
- lives with his family
- University four days a week, study
- Catch up with friends occassionally on the weekends
- Goes to shopping malls to buy items for uni,leisure (gaming, technology) or clothing occasionally
USER 2: 30 years old
- Full time work
- Studied accounting
- Lives in Brisbane
- Has a family of two
- Work five days a week
- Weekends are spent with the family
- After work or sometimes on the weekend go shopping
After university or work or socialising, the user wants to buy an item that they have left to the last minute. When they go to the shopping mall, they cannot find the item they are looking for and are wasting their time. They ask the assistant for help. In most cases, they are able to find the item or sometimes they don’t. Spending is also an issue. The users are also trying to keep a budget and not buy things they already have. There are also long queues that the users need to wait to buy their item.
PPTs- People Places Things at a local retail ‘village’ or individual store
- People usually window shop- walk slowly, especially in groups
- don’t always go inside, unless they see something they like or if there is a sale.
- users/ customers don’t always buy something after going into the store.
- don’t usually ask for assistance if they cannot find something
- Not easy to know which level particular shops are located
- can’t find what they are looking for immediately
- not all products have price tags
- Wayfinding/ signage is not that clear
- can get lost in large shopping malls
Collect personal story/s to provide inside (attitudes/emotions/ expectations into the shopping experience data collected- retail experience
Participant 1
- no proper labels in aisles where things are located
- prices are not at the appropriate locations
- trolleys don’t work properly
- long queues at the cashier
Participant 2
- annoying that people quickly buy ‘special’ products and run and out- need to ask if there are more left till last of promotion
- tempting to buy chocolates and lollies at the checkout should be located somewhere away from the counters- children may want some and is wasting money
- self-service is good- fast, efficient
- cashier don’t ask for a receipt to the consumer- we should know how much we spend- budget, - annoying
Utilising the emerging can solve many of the above problems in the mind map. Using augmented reality can help guide the user through the shopping mall and aid them to find the item they are looking for. Also keeping track of what the user is purchasing and helping them to meet their budget goal.
Futuristic colours, visually appealing and standouts on the smartphone app interface when using the camera.
Sketched interface design options and styles, then refined the final design.
The micro UI solution Zora aims to help customers to use their time efficiently. Zora allows consumers to quickly search an item and particular price they want immediately, while they are traveling to the shopping mall or is at the mall. Once they have found the item they are looking for, using augmented reality technology through the camera of the phone helps the user to navigate through the shopping mall and locate the item in the store.
The users scan the item using a QR code scanner to add to the cart, but most importantly to keep track how much they are spending and if they already have the item brought previously. The user is also able to share the item they are keen on purchasing to their friends for advice. This will be linked to social media such as Facebook, twitter or text messages. Scanning the items to an online virtual cart also helps to prevent from lining up at the register and technology in future retail stores will be able to transact the customer purchase while walking out of the store. This will be beneficial if the customer is in a rush to an event and needs to buy an item as soon as possible. The app interface will be a hologram, as this technology is predicted to be used in the future.
Interface Sequence
When the user is out socialising with their friends, they suddenly need to buy something immediately. They use the app to find what they want using AR on a smart phone app. There are icons for the profile and history of purchase
User follows direction of the arrows to the store and where the item is located
The user sets up their profile to customise their experience when shopping efficiently.
Once the user finds what they are looking for they scan the item and the app will tell the user how much they have spent so far on the budget meter. They are also able to share with friends for advice and confirmation.
The user can check their history on what they have spent to keep track of their spending.
If they scan an item that they have already purchased, the app will notify them to watch their spending.
The user searches for the item they are looking for and chooses the item and store to visit, based on price and amount of in stock.
The user checkouts as they walk out of the store. The virtual cart is transacted automatically online.